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Marine Ecosystem


You’ve journeyed down CWF’s Marine Pathway!

You are called by the ocean. You feel connected to the surge of the sea and all the incredible wildlife that call it home, including the Endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, sea lions, sea turtles, Belugas and Orcas! Did you know that there are fewer than 350 North Atlantic Right Whales left in the entire world? The initial decline was a result of whaling in the 1700 and 1800’s, which they never recovered from, but now face new human threats such as entanglements and ship strikes. There’s hope in new ropeless fishing technologies and speed limits for reducing modern-day threats. Without biodiversity, our whole way of life would be at risk. The North Atlantic Right Whale helps to keep the ocean ecosystem healthy by redistributing nutrients from the ocean bottom to the surface! Being such a large mammal and consumer of biomass, they also store large amounts of carbon in their bodies.